Friday, May 16, 2008

Omar & Alfie

These dogs are not mine, but I wanted to show their daddy these pics from when I babysat them that I've had for a while. Above is Omar & Alfie with my daughter Vanessa. Below is Chilly, Alfie & Omar.
Below is Omar & Alfie. They are both rescues & absolutely adorable. Really, really sweet dogs.

My Dogs

These 2 pics are of our Chilly. We got Chilly when he was a puppy. I don't have any digitals of him then, but he was just the cutest ball of white fluff. He came from championship stock, but he didn't get his glory. He got us instead! lol He's a big boy, as you can see he takes up the whole chair (which by the way is his very own chair that he kinda took over! lol) He's 7 yrs. old now & a sweet boy. Barks alot tho, but we have patient neighbors! Isn't he pretty?
This is my Snowy. Snowy was a rescue we got when she was 3 yrs. old. She's now 10 yrs. We thought she had a mean streak in her when we got her, but we figured out quickly that she was abused & just needed tons of love. She gets that with us! She's still kinda crabby, but we just know what works with her & what doesn't. I absolutely adore her. Here, she is sitting in my sewing room. Every time she hears me turn on my chandelier & my Ott light, she comes running cuz it makes her so happy to sit by me when I'm working. Me too! Soooo, she is my sewing buddy.

Below is the only pic I have of Milo. Milo was a samoyed that I babysat for quite a few years while his owner traveled for his work. Milo was the sweetest, lovable little boy you ever saw. You can't see it, but his coat was mixed with biscuit color & was so beautiful. He was quite a tubby boy tho. lol I had to take him & have him put down 2 days after Christmas in 2006 because he had some health problems that weren't going to get any better. My friend was in Burma at the time & I couldn't reach him so I had to make the decision. Broke my heart to pieces. But he died in my arms & I was grateful to have that with him. I miss him still.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Robin

I'm so excited to have a robins nest in my back yard! I usually have one in my front door wreath, but she hadn't been there in a couple of years & I've missed her. It was always a hassle to have her there as she would always dive bomb the poor mail lady, so we had to move the mail box. She pretty much gave everyone who went in & out a hard time so I'm glad the nest is in the yard now. She has 4 eggs in there & I can't wait to see the little ones! The mama seems pretty tolerant of me getting a few feet away & she doesn't seem to be bothered by the dogs barking. Maybe she likes us?? lol I just hope they don't fall out when they're born cuz it just breaks my heart!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pics of older work

Now that I'm getting the hang of this blog thingy, I thought I'd put some pics of some older work up. The first pics are of my Santa that I made for my mom for Christmas a few years ago. I have it now since my mom died. It is a Sherry Goshon pattern & mold. I also have a fairy that I made out of a Sherry mold & pattern. Geez, am I a Sherry groupie or what?? Gotta love that girl! Then I have a pic of a jester that I made in a Shirley Dougan class in Chicago a few years ago. Shirley's from Australia & is such a hoot! Then I have a little gourd girl that I made from a Sweet Meadow's farm pattern.

Bunny finally done!

I've been working on Sherry Goshon's pattern & mold "Victoria Rabbit". Finally finished her last night. I think she turned out pretty good. Just don't look too closely or you will see that I had a war with my glue gun. Ofcourse, with my lousy picture taking you can't see too closely anyway! lol I'll work on that!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fun night out!

Tonight Rick & I went out to dinner with a bunch of our friends. For once I didn't over eat! lol O.k, so my new hair was the first topic of conversation & the girls seemed to like it & thought it was fun. I love my girlfriends. My hair is a big deal because it is just so over the top for me & out of character & I'm still a little self-conscious about it. So, before Rick & I got to dinner I told him I hoped we didn't get the waiter we had last time cuz he was really annoying & in our faces too much. Soo, we're all eating dinner & we have a nice waitress & all of a sudden that waiter from the last time runs up to our table from out of nowhere & yells I LOVE YOUR HAIR so loud that the whole restaurant hears it!! roflmao! I could've died! But we all had such a huge laugh over it. Then when we went to Sunnyside bar after, this woman comes up to me & says "wicked fun hair!" lol It's just so odd to be noticed like that cuz I did it for me, not for the attention. But to have other people validate that its o.k to be a little different, that kinda feels good. Its not a bad thing for hubby to hear that from other people too, eh? So, yea, I had some good laughs with my friends & am glad that I went because I was having kind of a messed up day. The dogs trashed the house with mud & the basement sink backed up all over. Ended on a good note tho!

My little girls -- all grown up!

Thought I would share some pics of my family. Time goes by so fast & now they are young women. Pretty nice ones too I might add!

The first pic is of Vanessa. The second one is Jennifer & her fiance Adam & then one of Jen. Then there is one of Samantha & then one of Ness & Sam at my nieces wedding.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My New Hair!

I was feeling rebellious so I had my hair dyed bleached blonde with red streaks through it. Big change for me! I feel kinda sassy now! lol

Saying Hello

Hi, my name is Karen Becker & welcome to my blog! This is my first crack at blogging, so please bear with me 'til I actually know what I'm doing :) I wanted to start a blog so I could share family stuff, dollmaking stuff & well, just stuff! I love meeting people from all over the world through blogs. I am so inspired by other dollmakers & creative people. I hope someday my blog will be inspiring to others & not just put them to sleep! lol Thanks for stopping by!